

Components of a Distributed DBMS

  ®    Database Manager: A Database Manager is a software responsible for processing a segment of the distributed database. It is the software component residing on each computer that stores and retrieves data located at the site.

®    User Request Interface: It is usually a client a program that acts as an interface to the Distributed Transaction Manager “A Distributed Transaction Manager is a program that translates requests from the user and converts them into actionable requests for the database manager, which are typically distributed. A distributed database system is made of both the distributed transaction manager and the database manager”

®    Computer workstations (sites or nodes) that form the network system

®    Network hardware and software components that reside in each workstation

®    Communications media that carry the data from one workstation to another

    ®      The transaction processor (TP), It is the software component found in each computer that requests data.     The transaction processor receives and processes the application’s data requests (remote and local). 

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